Polyhydramnios Cure? Vitamin D!?

Currently I am 30 Weeks and 2 Days pregnant. I went to my last midwife appointment on the 18th of June and my uterus was measuring about 31.5 weeks from my pelvic bone to the top of the uterus. I have measured a little big since the beginning of my pregnancy and my midwifes just chalked it up to me being a small person. Well this time my midwife just wanted to do an ultra sound growth check to make sure my baby girl was the right size and not too big.
We scheduled the ultra sound for the following day and she was normal size for the most part. But nothing too concerning to them except for my amniotic fluid. Now apparently the normal range is 6-24cm - it is such a big range because everybody is different and they don't get concerned unless you go above or below this range. I am measuring a little over 25 so they are slightly concerned but are just going to do an ultra sound every 2 weeks to keep an eye on it.
My midwife told me that there is no cure for it so far but I took it upon myself to do my own research. I found an article about a clinic trial done with women who had gestational diabetes - which a lot of women with polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) generally have gestational diabetes. The women in this group who had polyhydramnios and took Vitamin D3 helped lower their amniotic fluid levels!
So, this is my test. I just started as an Independent Consultant with Arbonne and they have a multivitamin powder (containing Vitamin D3) that I am starting to put in my smoothies everyday. My theory is that with just doing this everyday, hopefully at my next ultra sound on 7/2/19 my amniotic fluid levels will have gone down and be back in normal range! So I will update y'all on my progress! If this multivitamin doesn't work I am going to try a straight liquid Vitamin D supplement from a health foods store.



7/16/19 - UPDATE!

As I mentioned above my next appointment was on July 2nd. Well at that point I had only been using the multivitamin for about 4-5 days. The midwife said that my amniotic fluid levels had lowed by like .2 so I wanted to wait and see at the next appointment which was TODAY!
My amniotic fluid levels are at 18!!!!!! After about a month of using the multivitamin which contains the vitamin D, my levels have lowered significantly!! I am amazed at how well that worked! I encourage you to try this if you have the same problem I did!


