BEETS!! x3

Alright I am going to give you 3 recipes in one post!

So last week I went to H-E-B and bought 4 pounds of beets and a bag of brussel sprouts. Those two things only cost me $9!

First thing I did was cut up all of the beets and rinsed them off. Then I took about a pound of beets along with my brussel sprouts and threw them in a pan lined with foil. Sprinkled some garlic powder, smidge of pepper, chopped onion and some olive oil and threw that in the oven at 350.

While that cooked I took the rest of my beets and threw them in a pot of water. Also I put 2 cups of quinoa in a pan (no water at first!). Now the reason I didn't put water at first is because I saw on the bag that if you sear it dry in a pan before adding water it gives the quinoa an authentic South American taste. (I could kind of taste the difference but not a whole lot) Anyways so after I seared it dry I added 4 cups of water and let it cook!

Once you can easily stick into the brussel sprouts and beets that are in the oven, take them out. Toss them into a blender with some of the beet juice that the boiled beets created and blend it up! Add as much juice as you need for your desired consistency. BAM! First recipe done!

Next you take some boiled beets + their juice and some quinoa and blend it up! I added some cinnamon to mine, you can also put garlic powder and a smidge of pepper in there if you'd like instead.  That's the second recipe!

Now for the third one, take some of that quinoa and cut up a cucumber! Throw that in a blender with some olive oil and a little bit of pepper and that is the third one! 

Okay so last but NOT least take that beet juice and put it in a jar. You can use this as juice for the little one!! just put about 2 Tablespoons of it in a bottle and then fill it the rest of it with water!

I hope y'all enjoy!๐Ÿ˜

God Bless๐Ÿ’“
