
Alright y'all this has been on my heart for a while. We have school shootings, students attacking their teachers, teachers shooting at trump with a toy gun yelling, "DIE!" in the middle of her student filled classroom, and so so so much more. This is public school ladies and gents! There are a select number of teachers who are good and honest people. But that is a VERY small number!
Our education system is going in the garbage. That means our childrens' minds are going there too. Quit sitting there and complaining about it! Do something to help your kids. Put them in a private school or better yet, home school them.They deserve the best education. Don't let them be dumbed down by our society because our school system is lowering its' standards to make everyone "feel better." That is a load of crap! Take charge of your kids' future.

Second thing, discipline your stinkin' kids! It is okay to spank your kids. It is okay to take things away from them. It is okay to ground them. It is okay to do what ever you see fit as a disciplinary action (aside from full on beating them) because why? OH YEA! You are their parent. You are not their friend. That comes later when they are grown up and out of the house. When they respect you, they also fear you. Fear is not always a bad thing. Personally, I was terrified of my mother growing up. She was a scary lady, not because she beat me or any nonsense like that. But I was so afraid to disappoint her (because I had so much respect) I hardly did anything wrong. At the same time I understood I could tell her anything, even when I screwed up.
I see kids in the store all the time throwing a fit, screaming their head off because mom or dad said no. And guess what mom or dad gives in to get them to be quiet. News flash people, kids are smart. They figure out that you will give in if they just scream. SO DON'T! Deal with your child, they are not in control, you are. Act like a parent for once.
So please stop teaching your kids that they are entitled to everything, they aren't. They need to earn it, and the only way for them to learn that is you. You teaching them how to show respect to others, whether they earn it or not. You teaching them to give people grace. You teaching them it is not okay to throw a temper tantrum (especially as an ADULT) when they don't get what they want. Teach them not get offended so easily, life will go on. JUST TEACH YOUR KIDS RIGHT. Let's make this next generation the best.

God Bless Y'all๐Ÿ’“
